On Friday I went to visit an Ayurvedic doctor at the Ayur Centre in Petaling Jaya. I had been falling ill frequently over the past year with bronchial infections and since my friend Li Kim just went for a consultation on Thursday, I thought I would also get myself checked out.
The doctor was lovely and patient. He took my pulse, my weight, my heart rate and my blood pressure and told me what was wrong with me.
Essentially, I had three issues.
- Metabolic rate – it was slow, which was why I was overweight (like I didn’t know that) and it could also be affected by hormone changes – yes – menopause (okay, I didn’t know that).
- Hormones – yes it’s the damn menopause again.
- Weak lungs – which could be due to a weak immune system and lack of exercise (yes, I knew that.).
My blood pressure was low – at 90/72. What was of concern was that it could be due to structural deformity or weakness. In the end, the doctor thought it could be due to angina. The remedy would be to lose weight and to exercise by a brisk 20-30 minute walk every other day. And to avoid emotional upheavals. It was nothing alarming, he said. But it was important to be careful as it could lead to problems later, and that was good enough for me to agree to the programme.
He recommended a 7-day detox programme, followed by an internal herbal prescription and lots of exercise!
The Detox Programme
I had to stop taking any medication for the seven days. I had to go to the centre every day for oiling. I would be oiled for 40 minutes with specific oils for my chest and back. And there would be oils for my nose (?!). After the oiling, I would be given a herbal medication to take. Then I had to fast until 4pm, when I could have my one and only meal of the day – rice porridge with no salt or condiments. I had to also stop all medication and follow this regimen for five days. On the sixth day, I could take three meals a day – light vegetarian food. Then on the seventh day, I would have to go to the centre for 3-4 hours, when I would be purging. Lovely.
The good news was that the doctor said I would lose around 3 kg over the seven days. Well, if I am only eating one meal of rice porridge a day for five days, I am not surprised. But it’s all good. I’m willing to give it a go. Maybe because I have no idea what is in store. Anyway, I have to wait for the centre to call me back with a time when I can start this programme. Until then, I had better enjoy eating whatever I can!
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