This morning I woke up feeling fine. I wasn't hungry, which was a relief - though it may have been due to the fact that I don't often have breakfast. I weighed myself. 139.5lb! Eureka! One day fast and I lost 3lbs. Goes to show how much I normally eat. Sigh.
I went for my oiling and it was fine - i could get used to being massaged with hot oil every day. Except for the nasal oil.. that is still unpleasant but bearable. Then came the bane of my day - the oily concoction I had to consume.
I know it doesn't look like much - it's about a third of the foam cup - but it takes me about 20 minutes to drink it. I found a way of making it easier though - I hold my breath while I drink it and try to psycho myself that it is NOT disgusting. I still can't take big gulps but it's more palatable if I don't smell it. And I rinse it down with the hot ginger water (cup on the right). And I read the Star newspaper at the same time to distract myself from the taste. Okay, okay, I am a princess about medication. I am now getting concerned about the week after when the doctor said i had to consume some herbal medication. If it tastes like this, I may not be able to keep to it. Discipline is not in my vocabulary. Much.
Anyway, at 4pm, I had my bowl of porridge - it's still tasteless. I didn't take too much of it - I wonder if it's because I am not that hungry. I am sure if I was very hungry, I would devour anything I could, so I guess I am not, which I find interesting because I am not eating anything else.
Tonight I will be going out with a couple of friends for dinner so it will be challenging to watch them eat and I can only have hot water. What fun. I shall simply (try to) meditate on the weight I will lose at the end of this week.
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